This year’s Brooksville Raid offers fans chance to change tide of Civil War with Texas-style chili
By Frank Fencil |
BROOKSVILLE, Florida — Brooksville Raid organizers have announced that the upcoming Civil War reenactment’s festivities will revolve around Texas-style chili, with plenty of incentives for bringing your pot to the cook-off during the shoot-out.
Spectators who bring a pot of chili to the event in January will get one free adult admission for each quart, and this year’s reenactment features a new, interactive twist. Fans of either side who bring chili will be allowed to walk out onto the battlefield and feed wounded soldiers, nurturing them back to health and getting them back into the fight.
“And once one of them boys gets a taste of that chili, if they like it, they’re allowed to jump back up and get back in the battle,” said organizer and reenactor Willis “Mutton” Sutton. “Finally, fans can help turn the tide in this epic battle instead of sitting idly by as their brothers are senselessly slain.”
The votes of the soldiers will also count for one-third of the finally tally in the Cook-Off Competition, and this year’s winner will be allowed to fire a live cannon into the woods.
Several other fun changes can be expected at this year’s Raid, including a change in the lottery system for the dog-punching booth, an update to the limb-sawing simulation and battalions will be allowed to use real slaves.
“People who love chili are going to love these changes, as will people who hate beans,” Sutton said. “No beans in the chili, or it wouldn’t be Texas style. If you bring chili with beans, you’ll not just not win, you’ll be asked to leave. Our boys in the field don’t need any of that.”
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